Tuesday, February 23, 2016


How Melon Fruit Cultivation In Pot What you do not know the melon, almost all had been eating melon. Not infrequently people make melon as favorite fruit. Melon is one of the many fruit crops that are included in crops that entered the family cucurbiataceae. In our country, Indonesia melon often in the search because it has a high value and price. With the magnitude of the price is not uncommon farmers turn to cultivation of melons so the result is quite a lot.
However, we see now increasingly narrow land only. The narrowness of the planting space does not stop us farmers to cultivate. SalUntuk these seeds we first need seeds, melon seeds to get us to buy at various farm shop that has a lot of selling. Choose quality seeds, if you do not know please read the back of the seed packets melon or ask directly. Or you can also see other farmers who have successfully practice could then be asked what brand they use.
Melon seeds before planting, we first need to soak them in water approximately up to 12 hours. The water used for soaking mixed with fungicides. When it is considered, the seeds can be in the lift and meniriskannya in a dark place. Furthermore, in living up to become like the seed sprouts and grows. Well, by this time next seedlings in the nursery at the site that has been specified.
Maybe friends wondered why the seeds soak. Seeds are soaked aim to make it easier to quickly grow and form sprouts, and then after that we can see and choose the good seeds for planting. So this method can be used to anticipate and reduce the disease because it is mixed with a fungicide before.
Rework Growing Media
In addition to seeds, we also pay attention to the place to grow melons. For a good result could use a mixture of soil, husks and manure in the ratio 1: 3: 2. To be immune to the disease in the first planting furadan we could add as much as 5 grams, humic acid 1 liter and 20 grams of NPK. All are in the mix until blended so well mixed.
Investment process
The process of planting is done when the leaves of melon seeds already have 4 pieces. Approximately the time it takes approximately a maximum of 14 days. Land used in the first flush. The right time to plant melon is in the afternoon so that the blazing eyes of today is not so hot. This is done to minimize the level of mortality is melon because it is still in the process of adaptation to the new place.
Denial or Ajir
Because we need a melon spread denial or also called a marker. Rebuttal must be strong in order to withstand the melon when it started great and fruitful. To create a marker, a friend of bamboo requires less length up to 2 meters and plug in the area of ​​melon plant that later spread.
Pruning for Choosing a Good Fruit
Furthermore, we also require trimming to select good fruit. pruning is done when it is rather large so that it can determine which of the fruit exaggerated.
Proper fertilization
One of the things that determine the quality melon or not that is fertilizing. Fertilization is very necessary to note that the production of the fruit that produced a better future and quality. Fertilization at age 5 HTS given urea in solution with a concentration of 3 kg / 300liter water. ZA fertilizer NPK 17 + HST and 50 HST is 2 kg ZA and 1 kg of NPK using concentrations of 3 - 4 kg / 200 liters of water. 7 DAT foliar fertilizer given at intervals of 7-15 days, with a solution concentration of 1-2 cc / 1 liter of water.
Control of Pests and Diseases
In general, diseases or pests that often attack the melon is a fruit fly, caterpillars, aphids and mites. For that pests such as this needs to be prevented in order to be successful cultivation of melons. To control these pests we can be given insecticide for pest mites while we can prevent it by giving akarisida.
Some diseases that often attack and should be known by the perpetrators of melon cultivation is bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, gummy stem blight, powdery mildew, blight, phytoptora molonis, viruses and truffles. To control we can use a fungicide.
Time to Harvest
Once the process is so long, it's time to harvest melons. Melons should be harvested when is enough, the level of maturity that fit so it's also fitting. Melon can be learned about the age of 65-70 Hsb. The process of harvesting is by using a sharp knife but it can also use the scissors. The trick is to cut the fruit stalk approximately 3 cm from the base. Good tips on how to plant melon cultivation in pots that can be useful for semua.ah a way that could be used for the cultivation of melons is using pot. So melon planting the pots in the media or in row interchanges. This step is the right step and also simple but the results are amazing. So for those of you who are also interested to cultivate melons try cropping systems in the pot. To do this, prepare some we have to do is as follows:

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